Happy Thanksgiving – The year in Review

Thank you for praying with us and God bless you on this Thanksgiving week with many many blessings. We thank God for bringing all of you into our lives. Your prayer support has encouraged us to move on with the vision God has given us to reach the world for His Kingdom and for His glory. Below is a report of the year in review. We will be counting on your prayer support as we move into the coming year, the year of our church plant and harvest. Amen

Dear Friends, Family and Fellow Believers in Christ:

     Our plan this year was to continue seeking the face of the Lord and interceding for the community to discover God’s plan for the community. We have continued to prayer walk in the community, occasionally share the gospel, organized an Easter Brunch party, and shared gospel tracts with free water on July 4th USA Independence holiday. We also participated in a Church Multiplication Network training program for church planters at Journey Church in Cleveland, Ohio in July of 2019. It was a great time of learning and networking with other leaders passionate about church planting.

      Praise the Lord, we started a Prayer Line Conference this year in June 2019 and we average about 12 regular participants each week when we meet online. It’s a marvelous time of seeking God and experiencing the divine presence of the Holy Spirit as He ministers to everyone’s needs. Testimonies of answers to prayer are often shared whenever we meet. Our goal for the prayer ministry is to fellowship with one another in the divine presence of  the Father, with the comforts of Christ’s love and mercy as the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested among us. It’s an opportunity to participate in the covenant blessing of Abraham through the broken body and shed blood of Yeshua Ha Maschiach and His imminent reign as King and Lord of all the earth. Our focus is on people and their needs: their families, friends, and neighbors, to equip and empower them to change their communities and change the world.   

     We are still planning to work with a local Church Multiplication Program on the church plant, complete our strategic plan with Cultivate, and also complete a doctorate program in Christian Leadership and Ministry by October next year. You will notice that we are changing our ministry name from TOP to Discovery in line with the vision as it unfolds. This change may continue until it is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, our partners which includes you and registered with the authorities! Pray with us for God’s clear vision and plan for the ministry, pray for God to connect us with people of similar passion to partner with us in the church launch and pray with us to be faithful and obedient to God, walking in His Presence and being Holy.

     Our vision is to help people encounter God, develop personal relationship with Yeshua, discover their spiritual gifts and serve their communities through fellowship meetings, corporate worship, prayer and leadership development conferences, community services, counseling, practical discipleship training and missional trips (Genesis 1:28; 17:1-9; Matthew 6:33; I Corinthians 14:1; Galatians 5:22-23). Our strategy is to make disciples of the un-churched and equip them to become disciple-rs of their network, both local and abroad, in fulfilment of the prophetic declaration of Yeshua ha Mashiach in Matthew 24:14, based on His approach in Acts 1:8, as Paul demonstrated in his ministry narrated in Romans 1:16.

     We thank God for the fire that is still burning in our hearts for the Lord and for souls to be saved.  Please, thank God with us for answering our prayer to raise a team of 12 people for regular prayers. We now have an average of 11 to 14 people showing up every week on Thursdays from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST to pray online. Continue to pray with us that we will be able to model the vision, serve the community and launch the ministry before the end of next year.

     Please, if your schedule will permit, consider joining us every Thursday to pray online. Dial 1.844.875.7777 with access code 128604# to connect. Share this with your family and friends, especially those living in the vicinity of Northeast Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. If the Lord is talking to your heart come and join us. You can contact us at sktigah@gmail.com. Pray and fast with us as we are storming the devil’s territory in northeast Philadelphia, that the Holy Spirit will lead us and there will be no room for the flesh. Thank you and God bless you.

Happy Thanksgiving and Shalom!

Prayer Team Strategy

This Prayer Team Strategy is a work in progress. As we continue to pray and intercede for souls and for one another, this document will be updated to reflect the vision and direction the Holy Spirit will be leading us. No team is more important than your intercessory prayer team, therefore we will be using this document to build solid systems that will keep us and our vision covered in continuous prayer. Feel free to apply whatever you find here to your ministry. It’s Yeshua’s Platform!!!

Provision and Breakthrough Hinges on Prayer

We are going to need a lot of things to see this movement become reality: people, opportunities, land, resources, money, connections, etc. It’s going to require more than we can arrange for. It’s going to require what only God can provide, and there will be opposition. Consider Daniel’s experience:

“Then [the angel] said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way…” Daniel 10 (NLT)

The Importance of Prayer

Brethren, you all know the story of Israel and its ancient capital Jerusalem – the city of Peace. Jerusalem has been involved in wars throughout its 3,000+ years. It was discovered recently that parts of the city had been destroyed 40 times with about 118 conflicts. As I am writing this paper the city is divided into four quarters by the Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim residents. The Palestinians have vowed to regain control of the City and to annihilate the Jews. All this is happening to Jerusalem because at the time of her judgement, NO ONE WAS FOUND TO INTERCEDE for her. Ezekiel 22:1-30.

Remember Nineveh, after Jonah proclaimed God’s judgement upon this gentile nation, when the people repented, God spared them. But God did not spare His own people and His own city of Jerusalem for their sins because NO ONE WAS FOUND TO STAND IN THE GAP.

Ezekiel 22:30-31, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. So, I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

“Oh, Lord, My God, may we find favor in your sight today, To build that wall in our generation, And to stand before you in the gap, On behalf of your holy city Jerusalem and Israel – your chosen people and land; And on behalf of all nations – America, Africa, Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Australia, Middle East, the 10-40 Window, North, South, West and East and the whole world, So that you would not have to destroy us again”.

“We covenant with you, HOLY SPIRIT, According to your grace and calling upon our lives, That by faith in Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, We will never be silent day or night, We will give ourselves no rest, And we will give our FATHER G_D no rest, Till You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth. For it is in the blessing of Abraham and his descendants, Israel through our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST – YESHUA HAMASHIACH that we all will be blessed – Jew and Gentile” AMEN!

Isaiah 62:6,7 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest,
7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.

Our Mission and Goal

Our mission is to pray for the fulfillment in our generation of the prophetic utterance of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:14 that “…this good news of the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to the nations. …then …the end will come”. Our goal is to recruit up to 70 believers of all cultural backgrounds, Jews and Gentiles, black and white, rich or poor by 2020 to begin organizing prayer conferences throughout the world for planting missional churches among the unreached people-groups with a priority to the Jewish people in Jerusalem, Israel, the 10-40 window and to the ends of the earth (see Acts 1:8, Romans 1:16, Matthew 28:18-20). Planting missional churches is spiritual invasion into enemy territory. Surrounding ourselves with a team of prayer warriors from around the world is the single best thing we can do to clear the way for people to come to Christ. Knowing that this movement will always be opposed in the spiritual realm, we will work under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to recruit as many as are led by the Spirit outside the initial 70 membership. There will be no room for the flesh, this movement will be totally led by the Holy Spirit: With God’s help, we commit to hitting this goal by: 04/30/2020

II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

Signing Up

Feel free as you are led to add prayer warriors to this team either through email, phone calls, word of month, prayer team members’ invites, etc. If this is your first time reading this, please contact the organizer if you wish to continue receiving prayer list updates.


When people commit to joining the Prayer Team, here’s what they can expect from the Organizer: Consistent Communication, A Prayer Team magnet for members (TBD), Participation in future prayer conferences to be organized around the world.

When people commit to joining the Prayer Team, here’s what we expect from them: Pray at least One hour, One day in a week or 30 minutes for two days in a week (or split the time as convenient but committing to praying one hour in the week). Please, feel free to opt out as we know believers have different spiritual gifts and we encourage people to focus on their calling.


Information Shared on this platform will be for intercessory prayers only. No fund-raising on this platform. If you are moved to support this ministry contact the organizer at sktigah@gmail.com. We will remain consistent and faithful to send out prayer requests. Information sent out will be light and require no more than: 7 minutes reading bi-weekly

Recurring Schedule

We’ll send out updates monthly or bi-weekly depending on prayer needs.

Delivery Channel

Group text, Email, Social Media Groups (Facebook, Youtube, TBD), Whatsapp, PraiseNPrayer Team Mobile App (TBD). We commit to having all of our contacts entered/uploaded by: Ongoing till 2020

General Strategic Prayer Topics

Here are the key strategic points of prayers we’ll include in our regular updates:

  • God’s vision for the ministry through Scriptural meditation
  • Holiness through living in His presence in Spirit and in Truth (His Word)
  • Anointing of the Holy Spirit for Leadership and direction
  • Knowledge, wisdom, discernment and gifts of the Holy Spirit for edification
  • Boldness, utterance and power to witness and preach the gospel
  • Operational needs, location, building, infrastructure & financial resources
  • Love for God, for the Jew, for the Nations, for all believers and non-believers
  • Miracles – Salvation, Healings, Deliverances, Signs and Wonders confirming God’s Word

Special Events

We will schedule the following event(s) early in the planting process:
Prayer walk in target communities ongoing every Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon    As the Spirit leads national and international prayer conferences will be organized to prepare fields for missional church plants. Others to be announced as led by the Holy Spirit


We aim to transition this prayer team into an ongoing global team of Intercessors for world evangelization after first church plant anniversary

2018 Fasting and Prayer Program

Offer Thanks to God for the Past, Present and Future

  1. We started this prayer team in March 2017 with an appeal to all friends and family to join us in partnering with us in prayer to start a church planting ministry.
  2. I was down with some physical upsets for a couple months which affected our progress. However, thank God, I am back up and have made some progress through your prayers. Please, join us to thank God for the progress made so far. Check your email for the 2017 Prayer Report link
  3. Let’s thank God for the Holy Spirit’s revelations and directions during the year 2017
    1. Let’s thank God for accomplishments made so far:
    2. Vision statement
    3. Acquisition of a School bus and musical instrument
    4. Temporary location for ministry
    5. Coaching on church plant and leadership education accomplishments so far

Pray for the Restoration of Jewish People back to God and to accept Yeshua as their HaMashiach

  1. Pray for peace, prosperity, and salvation of the people and city of Jerusalem
  2. Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people and Israel as a nation (14 million) – Read Jeremiah 31
  3. Pray for Jewish Christians and Messianic congregations everywhere to be strong in the Lord and bold in proclaiming the gospel in Jerusalem, Israel and the world.
  4. Pray for the unity of the church – Jews and Gentiles

Pray for the Countries of the World for Revival, Church Multiplication and Salvation of Souls

  1. 54 countries are in Africa
  2. 48 in Asia
  3. 44 in Europe
  4. 33 in Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. 14 in Oceania
  6. 2 in Northern America

Check your email for the link to the Unreached Peoples page. Pray for each country with established churches mentioning each country by name. Those countries are marked with “N” under unreached – about 158. Pray for revival in those countries and that churches will be holy, loving and producing disciples who plant churches in a multiplying effect.

Pray for the Salvation of the Unreached People-Groups of the World, that Missional Exponential Churches will be Planted Among Them

  1. About 2.91 billion people have little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. About 6,997 people groups (tribal nations) have not been reached with the gospel.
    1. Check your email for the link to the Unreached Peoples page. The unreached countries are marked “Y” under unreached on the list – about 80. Pray for each of these countries for churches to be planted. Thanks!
    2. NOTE: Exponential churches are churches that produce other separate churches that also produce other separate churches in a multiplying fashion.

Pray for the Salvation, Deliverance and Freedom From the Religious Institutions of this World

  1. Islam (1.3 billion)
  2. Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion)
  3. Hinduism (900 million)
  4. Chinese traditional religion (394 million)
  5. Buddhism 376 million
  6. Primal-indigenous (300 million)
  7. African traditional and Diasporic (100 million)
  8. Sikhism (23 million)
  9. Juche (19 million)
  10. Spiritism (15 million)
  11. Bahai (7 million)
  12. Jainism (4.2 million)
  13. Shinto (4 million)
  14. Cao Dai (4 million)
  15. Zoroastrianism (2.6 million)
  16. Tenrikyo (2 million)
  17. Neo-Paganism (1 million)
  18. Unitarian-Universalism (800,000)

Pray for the Northeast Philadelphia Church Plant Challenge for 2018

  1. Directions and manifestation of God’s glory and praise
  2. Complete coaching program for church plant
  3. Revelation on scholarly work on global missions
  4. Develop relationships with Messianic Jews in the community
  5. Develop relationships with multi-ethnic individuals and groups in the community
  6. Identify and provide community services in the community
  7. Throw lunch and dinner parties to reach out to neighbors
  8. Begin bible study and prayer group with neighbors at home
  9. Introduce Alpha evangelistic program to community
  10. Meet with local Church leaders to learn from them
  11. Complete Strategic Plan for new church plant
  12. Recruit core team for church launch project planning and fund raising

Pray for Each Other and Present Your Petitions to God

  1. Pray for direction and clarification on the revelations ( See 2017 Prayer Report link in your email)
  2. Pray for the blessing and spiritual strengthening of the families of the members of this prayer team (See email for link to contactlist18.png towards bottom of page. For privacy only last names are listed)
  3. Pray for the poor, marginalized and oppressed people of this world and in Northeast Philly that they will hear the gospel, believe and be saved
  4. Pray for the sick, addicted, bound, imprisoned, cancerous, troubled, depressed, suicidal, mentally depressed, mentally challenged, sexually challenged, physically challenged, emotionally challenged, homeless, orphaned and broken marriages in the world, in your country and in Northeast Philly. Pray for their healing, peace with God, fellow human beings and find purpose in life.
  5. Pray for political leaders, church leaders, religious leaders, Jewish Rabbis, family heads, social, education and business leaders of the world, in your country and in Northeast Philly. Pray that all leaders will commit to ethical values, sound judgments, serve and lead with knowledge, truth, love and fear of God.

Pray A Spiritual Warfare Prayer

  1. Take dominion over all spiritual forces in the air, land and sea and bring them under the subjection of Jesus Christ – Genesis 1:28 (see prayer guide in email).
  2. Pull down all strongholds of the enemy – principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness as you pray under each topic – Ephesians 6:12-13 (See prayer guide in email)
  3. Cast down every imagination and every high thought that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God as you pray under each topic – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (See prayer guide in email)
  4. Arrest all those faulty imaginations and high thoughts and demand that they obey Christ by using the weapons of the Holy Spirit’s anointing – Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, Word of God – which is all summed up in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach.

Offer Praises and Thanksgiving to the LORD

  1. Offer a sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for His marvelous deeds in 2018 under each main theme
  2. Share your testimonies to His glory and revelations for the benefit of the group.


2018 Fasting and Prayer Program

Offer Thanks to God for the Past, Present and Future

  1. We started this prayer team in March 2017 with an appeal to all friends and family to join us in partnering with us in prayer to start a church planting ministry.
  2. I was down with some physical upsets for a couple months which affected our progress. However, thank God, I am back up and have made some progress through your prayers. Please, join us to thank God for the progress made so far. Check your email for the 2017 Prayer Report link
  3. Let’s thank God for the Holy Spirit’s revelations and directions during the year 2017
    1. Let’s thank God for accomplishments made so far:
    2. Vision statement
    3. Acquisition of a School bus and musical instrument
    4. Temporary location for ministry
    5. Coaching on church plant and leadership education accomplishments so far

Pray for the Restoration of Jewish People back to God and to accept Yeshua as their HaMashiach

  1. Pray for peace, prosperity, and salvation of the people and city of Jerusalem
  2. Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people and Israel as a nation (14 million)
  3. Pray for Jewish Christians and Messianic congregations everywhere to be strong in the Lord and bold in proclaiming the gospel in Jerusalem, Israel and the world.
  4. Pray for the unity of the church – Jews and Gentiles

Pray for the Countries of the World for Revival, Church Multiplication and Salvation of Souls

  1. 54 countries are in Africa
  2. 48 in Asia
  3. 44 in Europe
  4. 33 in Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. 14 in Oceania
  6. 2 in Northern America

Check your email for the link to the Unreached Peoples page. Pray for each country with established churches mentioning each country by name. Those countries are marked with “N” under unreached – about 158. Pray for revival in those countries and that churches will be holy, loving and producing disciples who plant churches in a multiplying effect.

Pray for the Salvation of the Unreached People-Groups of the World, that Missional Exponential Churches will be Planted Among Them

  1. About 2.91 billion people have little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. About 6,997 people groups (tribal nations) have not been reached with the gospel.
    1. Check your email for the link to the Unreached Peoples page. The unreached countries are marked “Y” under unreached on the list – about 80. Pray for each of these countries for churches to be planted. Thanks!
    2. NOTE: Exponential churches are churches that produce other separate churches that also produce other separate churches in a multiplying fashion.

Pray for the Salvation, Deliverance and Freedom From the Religious Institutions of this World

  1. Islam (1.3 billion)
  2. Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion)
  3. Hinduism (900 million)
  4. Chinese traditional religion (394 million)
  5. Buddhism 376 million
  6. Primal-indigenous (300 million)
  7. African traditional and Diasporic (100 million)
  8. Sikhism (23 million)
  9. Juche (19 million)
  10. Spiritism (15 million)
  11. Bahai (7 million)
  12. Jainism (4.2 million)
  13. Shinto (4 million)
  14. Cao Dai (4 million)
  15. Zoroastrianism (2.6 million)
  16. Tenrikyo (2 million)
  17. Neo-Paganism (1 million)
  18. Unitarian-Universalism (800,000)

Pray for the Northeast Philadelphia Church Plant Challenge for 2018

  1. Directions and manifestation of God’s glory and praise
  2. Complete coaching program for church plant
  3. Revelation on scholarly work on global missions
  4. Develop relationships with Messianic Jews in the community
  5. Develop relationships with multi-ethnic individuals and groups in the community
  6. Identify and provide community services in the community
  7. Throw lunch and dinner parties to reach out to neighbors
  8. Begin bible study and prayer group with neighbors at home
  9. Introduce Alpha evangelistic program to community
  10. Meet with local Church leaders to learn from them
  11. Complete Strategic Plan for new church plant
  12. Recruit core team for church launch project planning and fund raising

Pray for Each Other and Present Your Petitions to God

  1. Pray for direction and clarification on the revelations ( See 2017 Prayer Report link in your email)
  2. Pray for the blessing and spiritual strengthening of the families of the members of this prayer team (See email for link to contactlist18.png towards bottom of page. For privacy only last names are listed)
  3. Pray for the poor, marginalized and oppressed people of this world and in Northeast Philly that they will hear the gospel, believe and be saved
  4. Pray for the sick, addicted, bound, imprisoned, cancerous, troubled, depressed, suicidal, mentally depressed, mentally challenged, sexually challenged, physically challenged, emotionally challenged, homeless, orphaned and broken marriages in the world, in your country and in Northeast Philly. Pray for their healing, peace with God, fellow human beings and find purpose in life.
  5. Pray for political leaders, church leaders, religious leaders, Jewish Rabbis, family heads, social, education and business leaders of the world, in your country and in Northeast Philly. Pray that all leaders will commit to ethical values, sound judgments, serve and lead with knowledge, truth, love and fear of God.

Pray A Spiritual Warfare Prayer

  1. Take dominion over all spiritual forces in the air, land and sea and bring them under the subjection of Jesus Christ – Genesis 1:28 (see prayer guide in email).
  2. Pull down all strongholds of the enemy – principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness as you pray under each topic – Ephesians 6:12-13 (See prayer guide in email)
  3. Cast down every imagination and every high thought that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God as you pray under each topic – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (See prayer guide in email)
  4. Arrest all those faulty imaginations and high thoughts and demand that they obey Christ by using the weapons of the Holy Spirit’s anointing – Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, Word of God – which is all summed up in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach.

Offer Praises and Thanksgiving to the LORD

  1. Offer a sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for His marvelous deeds in 2018 under each main theme
  2. Share your testimonies to His glory and revelations for the benefit of the group.


Happy Thanksgiving – The year in Review

Thank you for praying with us and God bless you on this Thanksgiving day with many many blessings. We thank God for bringing all of you into our lives. Your prayer support has encouraged us to move on with the vision God has given us to reach the world for His Kingdom and for His glory on earth. Below is a report of the year in review. We will be counting on your prayer support as we move into the coming year, the year of our church plant and harvest. Amen

Dear Friends, Family and Fellow Believers in Christ:

     Our plan this year was to continue seeking the face of the Lord and interceding for the community to discover God’s plan for the community. We have continued to prayer walk in the community, occasionally share the gospel, organized an Easter Brunch party on Easter Saturday, and shared gospel tracts with free water on July 4th USA Independence holiday. We also made connections with Messianic Jewish believers and friends of Israel when the Lord opened the door for Sam to visit Israel in July this year. Praise the LORD! Some of our Jewish friends are on this prayer list. Let’s continue to pray for Israel and the world!
     We also launched our monthly TOP Community Prayer Meeting with a three-day revival in the first week of November this month with Rev. Dr. Samuel Obeng Apau as our main Speaker. He spoke on the theme “Do Not Let the Fire Go Out of Your Hearts” (Romans 12:11-13) and we were challenged to continue serving the Lord fervently just as the first church did and turn their world upside down with the gospel. 
     We are continuing the monthly prayer meetings every last Friday of the month. Sam is planning to work with a local Church Multiplication Program on the church plant, complete his strategic plan with Cultivate, and also complete his classroom studies in Leadership and Christian Ministry by May next year. He should have a Strategic Plan completed before the end of the first quarter in 2019. Pray with us that we will be faithful and obedient to God, walking in His Presence and being Holy.
     Our vision is to help people restore their relationship with God through a personal encounter with Yeshua, small group fellowships, corporate worship, spiritual giftings, pursuing God’s purpose, walking in the Spirit, developing leadership qualities, and pursuing Holiness (Genesis 1:28; 17:1-9; Matthew 6:33; I Corinthians 14:1; Galatians 5:22-23). Our strategy is to make disciples of the un-churched and equip them to become disciple-rs of their network groups both local and abroad in fulfilment of the great commission of Yeshua ha Mashiach (Matthew 28:18-19).
   We thank God for the fire that is still burning in our hearts for the Lord and for souls to be saved.  Our immediate need is to raise a team of about 12 people who will meet regularly to prayerfully model the vision, serve the community and plan to launch the church by the middle of next year. Please, share this with your friends and family who are living in the vicinity of Northeast Philadelphia. If the Lord is talking to your heart come and join us. You can contact us at sktigah@gmail.com. Pray and fast with us as we are storming the devil’s territory in northeast Philadelphia, that the Holy Spirit will lead us and there will be no room for the flesh. Thank you and God bless you.
Happy Thanksgiving and Shalom!

Prayer List 1 for May 2017

  • Pray for God’s clear and unadulterated vision for the ministry.
  • Pray for the spirit of humility and brokenness to accept His will for my life and that:
    • The flesh with its passions and desires will remain crucified Gal.5:13-21
    • Christ will live in my heart by faith Gal.2:20
    • My life will be controlled by the Holy Spirit. Gal.5:22-23
    • God’s word will richly abide in my heart, soul and mind Ps.119:1-3, 18, 33-36, 96-105
    • And that He will endue me with the spirit of intercession and passion for souls
  • Pray for the leading, direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit in my life.
  • Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the operation of His spiritual gifts for the building of His church in Philadelphia and beyond 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-31. Ephesians 4:11-13
  • Pray for wisdom in dealing with individuals and community problems in northeast Philadelphia, to be able to analyze issues, provide solutions that will liberate souls and bring healing to the community
  • Pray for the very words and content of the message that the Lord will want us to share with the people in the community.
  • Pray for boldness, utterance, fluency of speech and the ability to effectively communicate the gospel to the understanding of the people in the community
  • Pray for the location of the church and the ability to acquire it
  • Pray for the name of the church that will be in line with God’s vision for the people
  • Pray for the love of God to be poured in my heart: Matthew 22:37- 40
    • To love Him with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind
    • To love my wife and children and for them to unite with me in this calling
    • To love the people and their community (i.e. Philadelphia and beyond)
  • Pray for the church leaders and believers in this community and Philadelphia
    • To live, walk and be led by the Holy Spirit in all that they do.
    • To become leaders in promoting love, unity, peace, justice, mercy and truth in all righteousness. Matthew 6:33
    • To become disciples of Christ spreading the gospel everywhere
    • To become missions-minded, planning, giving, organizing, and planting churches all over the world
  • Pray for a launch team who will work with me to plan, organize, reach out to the community and launch the church by April 2018
    • Praying for people representative of the ethnic groups in the community
      • Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Asians, Indians, Irish, Ukrainians, Africans,
    • Praying for a worship leader, intercessor, music director (plays musical instruments), resource leader (giving), outreach leader (discipleship, small groups, events planning, teachers), service leader (ushers, logistics, maintenance, day care) etc.

God Richly Bless You as you travail with us in prayer!!

Prayer Team Strategy

This Prayer Team Strategy is a work in progress. As we continue to pray and intercede for souls and for one another, this document will be updated to reflect the vision and direction the Holy Spirit will be leading us. No team is more important than your intercessory prayer team, therefore we will be using this document to build solid systems that will keep us and the new church covered in continuous prayer.

Provision and Breakthrough Hinges on Prayer

We are going to need a lot of things to see this new church become reality: people, opportunities, land, resources, money, connections, etc. It’s going to require more than we can arrange for. It’s going to require what only God can provide, and there will be opposition. Consider Daniel’s experience:

“Then [the angel] said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way…” Daniel 10 (NLT)

The Importance of Prayer:

Brethren, you all know the story of Israel and its ancient capital Jerusalem – the city of Peace. Jerusalem has been involved in wars throughout its 3,000+ year history. It was discovered recently that parts of the city had been destroyed 40 times with about 118 conflicts. As I am writing this paper the city is divided into four quarters by the Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim residents. The Palestinians have vowed to regain control of the City and to annihilate the Jews. All this is happening to Jerusalem because at the time of its judgement, no one was found to intercede for the city. Ezekiel 22:1-30.

Remember Nineveh, after Jonah proclaimed God’s judgement upon this gentile nation, when the people repented, God spared them. But God did not spare His own people and His own city of Jerusalem for their sins because NO ONE WAS FOUND TO STAND IN THE GAP.

Ezekiel 22:30-31, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. So, I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

Oh, Lord, My God, may we find favor in your sight today to build that wall in our generation and to stand up before you in the gap on behalf of your holy city Jerusalem and Israel – your chosen people and land, of our nations – America, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the 10-40 Window, North, South, West and East and the whole world – so that you would not have to destroy us again. “We covenant with you, LORD, according to your grace and calling upon our lives that by faith, we will never be silent day or night, we will give ourselves no rest, and we will give you no rest till you establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth.”

Isaiah 62:6,7 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest,
7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.

Our Goal

Planting a new church is a spiritual invasion into enemy territory. Surrounding ourselves with a team of prayer warriors from around the world is the single best thing we can do to clear the way for people to come to Christ. Knowing that a new church will always be opposed in the spiritual realm, we will work under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to recruit at least 70 people to our intercessory prayer team: With God’s help, we commit to hitting that goal before: 04/30/2020

II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

Signing Up

Here’s how we’ll contaHello ct people about joining our prayer team (outbound):
mass email, personal phone calls, word of month, prayer team members’ invites, etc
We plan to create a Facebook group, signup form on a website, etc

2-Way Expectations
When people commit to joining the Prayer Team, here’s what they can expect from the lead planter: Consistent Communication A Prayer Team magnet for members – TBD When people commit to joining the Prayer Team, here’s what we expect from them: Pray at least 30 minutes for one day in a week or 15 minutes for two days in a week (subject to change depending on urgency of work and prayer need)


Information Shared on this platform will be for prayers only
We will remain consistent and faithful to send out prayer requests. Information sent out will be light and require no more than: 5 minutes reading per week

Recurring Schedule

We’ll send out updates every: Other Monday or Thursday (in case Monday is missed)

Delivery Channel

Group text, Email, social media group, prayer team mobile app (TBD)
We commit to having all of our contacts entered/uploaded by: Ongoing till 2020

General Strategic Prayer Topics

Here are the key strategic points of prayers we’ll include in our bi-weekly updates:

  • God’s vision for the ministry – the name of the church and ministry
  • Anointing of the Holy Spirit – Leadership and direction
  • Knowledge, wisdom, discernment and gifts of the Spirit
  • Boldness, utterance and power to witness and preach the gospel
  • Operational needs, location, building, infrastructure & financial resources
  • Love for God, for the people, for the church and for the community
  • Miracles – Salvation, Healings, deliverances, signs and wonders confirming God’s word

Special Events

We will schedule the following event(s) early in the planting process:
Prayer walk in target community ongoing every Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon

Others to be announced as led by the Holy Spirit


We aim to transition this prayer team into an ongoing global team of Intercessors for world evangelization: After first anniversary