Discovery Ministries Vision Statement


To see a network of radically transformed people aggressively discovering their Spiritual Gifts and changing their world

Missional Mandate

Helping people discover God’s mission and purpose in their lives!

Missional Values

Seeking God

– PRESENCE (Holy Spirit, Kingdom, Righteousness, Peace, Joy)

Demonstrated by an encounter with Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary to discover the fire of His Presence and by submitting to God (living sacrifice), meditating on His Word (mind renewal), listening to the Holy Spirit (discerning), and becoming like Christ (knowing and doing His perfect will – faith, hope & love) we pursue our passions (spiritual gifts) to help others.

Building Relationships

– PERSONALITY (Caring, Friendships, Networking, Sharing stories)

Demonstrated by developing spiritual disciplines through devotions, scriptural meditations, making friends, networking, sharing resources, sharing our stories, praying, and learning from one another

Serving People

– PROVIDENCE (Loving, Believing, Meeting needs, Doing Ministry)

Demonstrated by identifying and serving the needs in our community, supporting education, promoting socio-economic activities, pursuing social justice to transform lives

Developing Leaders

– POWER (Sacrifice, Humble, Obedient, Resilient, Innovating, Serving, Discipling)

Demonstrated by cultivating spiritual fruit (love), and obedience to God’s prophetic call to participate in planting multiplying churches by mentoring young leaders here and abroad in the fields of education, business, economics, social justice, culture, ethnic networks, governments, and religion.

We Pursue our Missional Values by focusing on the Holy Spirit through Prayer and Obedience to His Spoken Word! (Acts 6:4)

Missional Map

  • Encounter God
  • Worship God
  • Discover Gifts
  • Pursue Holiness
  • Pray Continually
  • Build Relationships
  • Share Resources
  • Make Disciples

Missional Measure

  • Relating (Loving)
  • Restoring (Health)
  • Praising (Thanksgiving)
  • Confessing (Proclaiming)
  • Praying (Interceding)
  • Sharing (Giving)
  • Sacrificing (Suffering)
  • Leading (Serving)
  • Developing (multiplying)

Overarching Purpose

Discovery Ministries exist to invite others to discover God at the cross through Worship, Praises, Thanksgiving, Intercessions, Prayers, and Spiritual warfare. In obedience to the Holy Spirit we Proclaim Jesus Christ and Him Crucified to the ends of the earth! (I Peter 2:9)

Vision Statement

Next year by this time we would have established twelve (12) discovery groups with 12 active leaders and 150 members participating in praise and worship conferences in various places in Philadelphia and beyond where people can find healing, build relationships and become empowered to pursue their dreams.

Vision Proper

Imagine a place where you go as a visitor, and you are met with a warm handshake, a friendly smile, a cup of coffee or juice, or a meal. You know you are welcomed because immediately you arrive, someone greets you with a smile, listens to your story, and introduces you to friends and family. Everything you see and hear seems inviting; you meet people of diverse cultures and different generations. You hear music that warms your heart and people are genuinely interested in hearing your story.

Imagine that this kind of movement is not only welcoming people just as they are but intentionally going out into the streets seeking to help hurting and broken people. They share a familiar story of being broken, bound, and addicted to something and want to share how they found healing, freedom, peace, and purpose in their lives with you.

Imagine this movement of accepting all people, helping those in need, and developing authentic leaders engage in transforming their communities both socially and spiritually. Imagine that this is a place that caters to people groups of all ages, genders, and ethnicities, including daycare, young adult skill development programs, women empowerment groups, and senior citizen services.

Imagine that this is a one-stop location for recreational, educational, housing, financial, health, and other related social services, and food, story sharing, networking, with conversations about life and counseling on Divine Providence.

Imagine that this kind of movement is also multiplying itself by reproducing followers of Jesus Christ here and abroad. These new breeds of radical followers of Yeshua Ha Mashiach are anointed with the fire of the Holy Spirit, moving out to impact other communities around the world. They go to places where the gospel is most needed; to the Jew first and to panta ta ethne (Matthew 24:14; Romans 1:16).

Imagine that this kind of church is in your community!


Genesis 1: 26 – 31

Genesis 17: 1 – 9

II Chronicles 16:9

Psalm 34

Psalm 118:17

Daniel 2:44

Matthew 4:17

Matthew 24:14

Matthew 28:18-20

Mark 16: 15-20

John 21: 5 – 17

Acts 1:8

Romans 1:16

Romans 11:25-36

Romans 14:17

Hebrews 13:8-10

Jeremiah 33:3