A Covenant of Grace

Genesis 12:1-20

“Can God Also Favor Me?”

Abram was like any one of us, a man full of human frailty, vulnerable to sin and subject to all manner of schemes and temptations but he was also a man who dared to believe that there is a God who communicates with his creatures and has a higher purpose and a better plan for their lives.

Here was a man who left his country and his people because he heard “a voice” – the voice of God calling him to a place yet unknown. By faith he set out to fulfill that calling but lo and behold when things became hard and tough, when food became scarce, and life seems to be flickering away, he left the land of his calling – Canaan -to seek greener pastures in Egypt.

On his way to Egypt out of fear for his life and family he connived with his wife to lie to the king of Eqypt. He did what anyone of us will do to survive, but is that what God demands of us? Is that what truly put food on the table?  Does telling lies and being greedy and stingy bring pleasure and satisfaction to our lives? Is that what will give us riches, success, fame and glory?


….for the word of God tells us that lying and all these dubious ways we live our lives is sin and the payment for sin is death. Sin brings guilt, remorse, condemnation, pain, suffering,  sickness, separation from your creator, separation from your loved ones and ultimately death. (Romans 6:23)

However God preserved Abram and his wife and his family, why?

It’s called favor!!!

It’s called grace!! It’s called the unmerited favor of God. In spite of his weakness, in spite of his sin, in spite of his dubious schemes, God chose to favor Abram instead of punishing him for his sin. God saved him from strangers and rewarded him with gifts from his enemies.

Because of Abram, Pharaoh who took Abram’s wife to be his concubine suffered turmoil in the night, he couldn’t sleep, he had bad dreams, his family was plagued with deceases, he had no peace until he returned Abram’s wife back to him and showered him with gifts, then he asked him to leave.  Abram came to Egypt poor but left Egypt a rich man. WOW!

That’s what happens to a man or woman whom God Favors!!!!

He makes your enemies seek peace with you, and He prepares a table of delicacies before you in the presence of your enemies!!! (Psalm 23:5)

You may ask, how can I also get such a favor from God? How can I be blessed while I am living such a painful life, such a stressful, miserable life, such an unfulfilled and lonely life?  No one seems to care about me, bills so overwhelming, nothing seems to be working right for me. Can God also favor me!

Yes He Can.

All you have to do is ask him. (Pray this prayer below and make it your own……)

“God I need your favor, I need your blessing.

I admit that I am not as good as I should be,

I admit that as much as I try to make it on my own, life becomes harder and harder.

Look upon me and have mercy on me.

I am willing to trust you and to believe in you.

Come into my heart today,

Cleanse me from sin and

Be Lord and Savior of my life,

Give me the power to live the kind of life that pleases you and enjoys your favor.

I ask all this in Jesus Christ’s Name!!!


After Saying this prayer out loud with your mouth and believing in your heart the words of this prayer, God will pour out His Spirit into your soul and your life will change forever. Look for a bible believing church for fellowship and grow in spiritual things.

To Be Continued….

Pursue Holiness

It’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that the more holy we become the more sensitive we are to the moving and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Holiness is actually God’s presence in your life, he comes in with his love, his power, his glory and his blessings

Hebrews 12:14